Enhance your payments stack with Beanstalk intelligence.

What We Do

optimized routes

Optimized Routes

Beanstalk has built an intelligent routing solution that identifies the optimal, least-cost network across which each of your eligible card transactions could be communicated to the card's issuing bank. These optimal routes will lower your transaction costs and increase your authorization rates.

Dynamic Dashboard

Our dashboard provides you will real-time insights and reporting capabilities.

For those using our routing APIs, those insights will include detailed metrics highlighting your activity and the savings that you can expect to realize as a result.

pinless pos


You can leverage Beanstalk's routing intelligence for card-present transactions within your point-of-sale solution in the same way that you do for card-not-present transactions in your ecommerce solution.

How We Do It

how we do it

We use various characteristics of a given transaction including the BIN of the card being used, the MCC of the originating merchant, and the amount of the transaction in our routing intelligence to identify the optimal, least-cost network across which the transaction could be routed.


The first six digits of a card number are referred to as a BIN (bank identification number). From this value, we can:

  • Identify the card's issuing bank.
  • Ascertain if the card's issuing bank is regulated or not regulated.
  • Ascertain if the card is a debit card or credit card.
  • Identify all networks associated with the card that support PINless routing.


In order to reach its issuer, a card transaction is generally routed across the card's 'bugged' network. Along this path, various network and interchange fees will be charged.

However, for many cards there are alternative, cheaper routes available over one or more debit networks.

Our intelligence identifies those cheaper routes.


Identifying an alternative, cheaper route is only one step in our routing solution. Communicating with the optimal debit network in order to process the transaction on your behalf is another.

Beanstalk has established dedicated, leased-line connections into each of the debit networks utilizing the ISO 8583 message standard.

This architecture provides a high level of reliability and bandwidth consistency.

Who We Support

Payments organizations belonging to a wide variety of merchant categories (including the following) can benefit from Beanstalk's routing solution.






property rentals



As shown below, the characteristics of the cards used for payments made to these organizations represent a significant savings opportunity.


% debit cards


% routable


% unregulated


Smart. Simple. Secure.


Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you.